Essential Points to Make Invoice Acceptable for CTN Application
Along with the Bill of Lading, the commercial invoice is one of the most important documents in the Cargo Tracking Note application. The obligation comes with its difficulties as countless key details must follow requirements from officials and be congruent with other supporting documents of the application.
The importance of correct Invoices can’t be undermined as it may lead to a successful CTN application, refusal, or even rejection. In this post, we try putting light on Commercial Invoice complications while making CTN requests.
CTN stands for Cargo Tracking Note. The system is in practice in 27 Countries in Africa. The same certificate is referred as BSC, CNCA, FERI, BESC, ECTN, BIETC in different countries.
Primary Details Required on the Invoice
Unless otherwise stated below, the prerequisite information must take place on the Invoice submitted as a supporting document for the waiver certificate.
- The total FOB value must be clearly shown and equal to the sum of all rows representing the cost of goods.
- Incoterm is compulsory. Besides, depending on the agreed shipping term, the additional cost comprising the term needs to be shown. Here are some examples.
- FOB: if the ocean freight cost is not included in the deal, the invoice with FOB values is sufficient. However, the ocean freight invoice must be presented separately.
- CFR: FOB and freight costs need to be stated separately
- CIF: FOB, Freight, and Insurance must take place on the invoice.
Other information on the terms can be observed on the following page
Acceptable Currencies
The invoice can be in any currency of preference. However, when inserting the details into the CTN system, we can only choose from selected currencies. The conversion is applied according to the present exchange rate.
Invoice for Cross-Trade Shipment
In the transaction where 3 parties are involved, there are 2 separate invoices raised concerning the shipment. Usually, this type of cross-trade or triangle transaction involves the Manufacturer, Reseller, and Consignee. Although it will contain no details of the actual exporter of the cargo, we need the invoice that is issued from the reseller to the importer in the destination country. Example the case where manufacturer A is selling goods to reseller B, who is shipping the goods directly to importer C. In this scenario, the invoice from reseller B issued to importer C applies to the CTN application.
Invoice for Shipment of Personal Effect:
The authorities still require a Proforma Invoice to obtain a CTN certificate for personal or charity cargo. The value of the goods can be estimated and doesn’t have to reflect the market value. Here is a link for the Google Sheets Proforma Invoice form which you can download and use for your consignment. An example of the Commercial Invoice Document for Household Goods is below.

Invoice Requirement of Specific Countries
Certain country CTN procedures mandate specific details of the shipment to take place on the Commercial invoice
- Madagascar & Ivory Coast
For Madagascar and Ivory Coast BSC, the mandatory details of the Invoice are HS Code, Incoterm, Country of Origin, and Payment Method.
- Libya
The Libya CTN application can be filed only if the Commercial invoice has been approved by the Chamber of Commerce in the origin country.